Empowering Indigenous Businesses with Capability Statements and Supply Nation Membership

In today’s competitive business landscape, a strong online presence and clear communication of your capabilities are crucial for success. This is especially true for Indigenous businesses seeking to connect with potential clients and secure government contracts.

What is a Capability Statement?

A capability statement is a concise document that functions as a resume for your business. It outlines your key strengths, experience, qualifications, and the value you can deliver to clients. It’s a powerful tool to introduce your business, showcase your expertise, and convince potential partners or clients that you’re the ideal choice for their needs.  To illustrate the elements of a ‘good’ capabilities statement, here’s an example.

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Why Does Your Indigenous Business Need a Capability Statement?

  • Stand Out from the Crowd: A well-crafted capability statement effectively communicates your unique offerings and sets you apart from competitors.
  • Increase Visibility:  Capability statements are excellent tools for online marketing.  You can upload them to your business website,  include them in proposals, and distribute them at networking events.
  • Government Contracts:  Many government organisations prioritise procurement from Indigenous businesses. A capability statement is a mandatory requirement for businesses applying for government tenders advertised on platforms like AusTender, further noting that Government agencies look at registered Supply Nation members also.

How Can a Capability Statement Benefit Your Indigenous Business?

  • Secure Government Contracts:  By registering with Supply Nation (more on that below) and including your capability statement on their platform, you significantly increase your chances of being discovered by government agencies seeking qualified Indigenous businesses.
  • Attract New Clients: Capability statements can be a valuable tool to attract new clients in the private sector as well.  They demonstrate your professionalism and expertise,  increasing the likelihood of converting leads into paying clients.
  • Build Stronger Partnerships: A clear and concise capability statement fosters trust and establishes your business as a reliable and competent partner.

Supply Nation: Empowering Indigenous Businesses

Supply Nation is Australia’s largest online directory of verified Indigenous businesses. It connects Indigenous businesses with corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations seeking procurement opportunities.

Why is Supply Nation Membership Important?

  • Enhanced Visibility:  Registering your business on Supply Nation significantly increases your visibility to potential clients across various sectors.
  • Increased Opportunities:  Supply Nation connects members with relevant tenders and procurement opportunities.
  • Credibility and Trust:  The Supply Nation verification process assures potential clients of your legitimacy and commitment to Indigenous business development.

Crafting a Powerful Capability Statement

An effective capability statement should be clear, concise, and tailored to your target audience. Here are some key elements to include:

  • Executive Summary:  A brief overview of your business, its mission, and its unique value proposition.
  • Services Offered:  A clear and concise description of the services you provide.
  • Experience and Qualifications:  Highlight your relevant experience, qualifications, and certifications.
  • Client Testimonials:  Including positive testimonials from satisfied clients adds credibility and social proof.
  • Contact Information:  Make it easy for potential clients to reach you.


By leveraging the power of capability statements and Supply Nation membership, Indigenous businesses in Australia can gain a significant competitive advantage. A well-crafted capability statement showcases your expertise and positions you to secure government contracts and attract new clients.  Incorporating Supply Nation membership further broadens your reach and connects you with a vast network of potential partners.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re an Indigenous business owner looking to craft a winning capability statement or explore Supply Nation membership, Yalanji Dreaming can help. We offer a range of Indigenous Business Empowerment services designed to help you achieve your goals. Contact us to learn more, or shoot us an email at info@yalanjidreaming.com today!

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